Sunday 21 September 2014

Travel Writing Homework.

A Day In Rome.

Some say when in Rome, do as the Romans'. Or at least take a photo with a Roman dressed as a gladiator, who then rips you off for the price of one photo.

Rome is a money hotspot, literally, the roads should have been paved with gold. Filled with Ferraris flashing soundlessly by on the cobbled streets, faultless scenic views in the distance and the monumental buildings covering the Vatican city. This is a playground for the rich.

Wherever you go in Rome, money is always the central theme. The numerous amount of homeless people sprawled across the pavements, with their hands cupped for money. They are more than insistent for a coin or two.
Strolling the small alleys and high-streets, often overlooked charming little walkways, you tend to cross the most extravagant shops you definitely don't find at home. These lavish multi story shops include the world famous designer Louis Vuitton and Ferrari shops. So, you truly have to be wealthy to enjoy the Roman lifestyle.

Another thing this city revolves around is religion. If anybody reading this has any sense of general knowledge then, you will know Rome is the Catholic capital of the world. Home to the Pope and the huge number of religion is famous for. If you are in Rome for a day or two, I most definitely recommend watching 'Angels and Demons' before you go, this is the film adaptation of Dan Brown's book, or if you have time, read the book. That way you'll learn a ton about the Eternal City prior to visiting.

Lets not forget to mention the food! Italian food may be world famous, and imitated all over the Globe, but there isn't anything as authentic as tasting proper Italian food in Rome. Italians' love their food, this is definitely obvious at any family owned restaurant. Who knew there is so many varieties of cheese?! I mean, the olives you are about to eat taste even better, when you're sure you can see the trees' they grew on in the distance.

Before you leave Rome, don't forget to seek out the mesmerising Trevi fountain and toss a coin into it's turquoise waters. I certainly did, it's a tradition for tourists. It's been said that if you do, you're sure to return to the Eternal City again some day.

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