Sunday 14 September 2014

Style Model - Analysing Sin City 2

My chosen style model is the 'Sin City 2 : A Dame To Kill For' review. I will be analysing the grammar in the text, the type of sentences the writer uses and lexis/semantics the writer uses.

In the text, grammar is used in many varieties, but complex and compound sentences are used a lot in the review. For example a complex sentence : "Yet another good time girl, this one played by Juno Temple, comes from...", also compound sentences are used in the review: "It's neither high art nor noir, but it's what a Sin City film should be.". These are effective uses of sentence structure in the text used by the writer. The effects of these on the reader are that they create long, flowing pieces of description. The sentences are more detailed and more interesting for the reader to read. With the variation in sentence structure and length, it provides more intensity in the sentence (if the writer wishes to create this effect) and makes it more interesting  and enjoyable to read.

Also, lexis and semantics are used in the review, the words used in this review by the writer are film orientated e.g film noir, sequel, femme fatales, actors/actresses. These words are subject specific to the text. The effect of these are that the reader knows what the writer is talking about, these words are effective because they fit in and contributes to the factors that make professional appearing film review. Also the film review readers can enjoy the text a lot more because it is familiar with other reviews that's they've read before.

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