Tuesday 9 September 2014

An Introduction To Me. - English Language Homework.

My introduction to me will be written as a pen pal letter. Due in Thursday 11th Sept.

Hello Pen Pal!

It's so nice to hear from you! Thank you for sending me your letter, I found it very interesting to read and discover all these new things about you! I was surprised to see so many of my interests matching yours - hence my writing back.

My name is Georgia and I am aged sixteen, from Bristol in the United Kingdom. Also, I live with my mum, older sister and two dogs in the semi-rural Warmley. Where I live sounds boringly ordinary in comparison to your ever sunny home in the United States. I'd love to visit one day!

Anyway, I've just finished my five year long education at my local secondary school, which I miss greatly already. And moving onwards, onto my first year at a new college. As you said, you've recently started a new school and I completely agree with you! It is both exciting and nerve wracking. But, I have to say, so far I am enjoying it. Its much more preferable compared to secondary school because of the free periods (obviously!) and a bit more freedom.

As for my life outside of school, it sounds pretty similar to yours. I like to socialise with friends, go to the cinema and out for meals at restaurants. I currently have a job at a shoe store, not far from where I live. It's very convenient. Despite this, I feel that working is both very tiring and a lot of hard work. I'm not quite used to it yet! The best thing about it is getting paid at the end of the month. Except from that, I do like talking to the customers.

Alike you, I've enjoyed going on holiday with my family in the past years, Discovering some of my most favourite cities, had been a lot of fun (like: Rome and Barcelona.) Many of the sights there were breath taking and very picture-esque. I wish I could have extended my stay. I recommend visiting these places if you ever have the opportunity.

I will await your reply eagerly. I hope you like my letter and learn a lot about me.

Speak soon,


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