Monday 13 October 2014

Style Model Analysis.

Charlie Brooker Analysis.

Charlie Brooker uses a range of techniques throughout his article about the new software updates Apple has installed on the new Apple products.

Brooker uses features of graphology including a heading, sub heading, photo and well structured paragraphs. He also uses a range of sentence types including complex, compound and simple sentences. There are less simple sentences,this is because Charlie Brooker's mood of writing is often cynical. So he uses long sentences to complain about his chosen subject. An example of this is : "Then theylUnvhed the horrible looking Apple watch, which does everything an iPhone can do, but more expensively and pointlessly, and on a slightly different part of your body".

He uses various techniques like repetition, informality and hyperbole to make the tone of his text conversational and relatable for the reader. Repetition is used to almost make fun of the Apple products "unhealthy devoted Apple fanatic could bear to wear an Apple watch" , this is sarcasm and is used to make fun of anybody who would wear the products. Charlie Brooker uses words like "damn" to get his point across, it makes it more interesting for the reader to read and is informal. Brooker creates comedy in his article by using a hyperbole "is the size of the Isle of Man" she talking about the new iPhones.

I am taking ideas from this text for my course work because I like the idea of writing about something current and technological rebut exploring the way it can affect our generation. I'm also taking ideas from Charlie Brooker because I like the way he writes. He's very cynical about everything, but this adds humor and takes it from a not so funny article to an article with character and humor, it's effective and makes a boring subject readable.

Django Unchained Review.

The author of the Django Unchained review includes a range of techniques throughout the review published on the Telegraph.

Firstly, the author uses subject specific lexis like "Golden Globe Winning, Oscar and BAFTA nominated" the author uses this because it is specific to the text, the audience know (if they're film fans - which they most probably are) what he's talking about and also it is appropriate to use in the text.

The author uses references to the audience by mentioning other film titles to address the audience this film is targeted at "The Great Silence (1968) and A Fistful of Dollars (1964)" , this backs up the style the author has written in. It's quite sophisticated and fits in with the film, audience and the Telegraph - who he's writing for. The type of audience is hinted at again when the author includes hints at historical references like "Ku Klux Klamsmen" and "Second World War" suggesting the readers would need knowledge of these to be able to watch the film and read the review.

I am getting ideas from this style model because I have an interest in film and  film reviews. I like the fact this one is written sophisticatedly and has other historical references.

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