Tuesday 3 May 2016

Child Language Acquisition - Tuesday May 3rd 2016

Developmental Stages : 
Pre verbal - cooing, babbling.
Holophrastic - 12-18 months, can convey a whole sentence worth of meaning in one word, or label things around them, first words are often 'mummy' or 'daddy', concrete nouns. 
Two Word - Around 18 months, child puts two words together to convey meaning ie. 'Mummy sit', utterances are more refined, are beginning to understand grammar for the first time since they are demonstrating an understanding of two words together, from 18 months child has acquired 50-100 words, they gain a naming insight as they realise things around them have names, might acquire 2 or 3 new words a day before the age of 2. 
Telegraphic - from age 2 child will move from producing two word sentences to more complete utterances like a telegram, conveying a message in a short number of words, telegraphic speech will include key words, syntax is largely accurate, 
Post TelegraphicBy around the age of 3, a child will move into the post-telegraphic stage, child's speech becomes increasingly like adult speech, subtle nuances in speech begins to disappear, by age 4  a child's speech will be grammatically correct. 

Behaviourists theorists - language is developed through imitating others language, and gaining positive and negative feedback from adults.
Social Interactionists - Children's early language can be influenced and improved by adult carers adjusting their own speech patterns.
Nativist - language is innate, we are preprogrammed to acquire it.
Cognitive theories - children's language will develop when children's ideas about the world develop.

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