Thursday 24 September 2015

Lexical and Grammatical Development of Children Summary..

Pre Verbal Stage

  • The Cooing Stage: Occurs 8-20 weeks into the child's life, including sounds like "aaaaah".
  • The Babbling Stage: Happens at the age of nine months, sounds like "ba,ba,ba,bbbb"
  • Verbal Scribbling: Develops when the child is 30 weeks old. The child begins to use consonants, vowels and fricative, expanding their use of early vocabulary.
  • Melodic Utterance: 9 to 18 months into the child's life, as they grow older, the sounds they utter begin to sound more recognizable as words.
Lexical and Grammatical Development of Children

Stage One: Holophrastic..
  • The holophrastic, meaning the one word stage, occurs in children from 12-18 months. This is when the child utters their first word. They build a vocabulary of holophrases, which are single words used to convey meaning, this spans up to as much as 50 words. And the child will be able to understand ten times more words now, than before this stage. 
  • Holophrases describe the meaning of a phrase or sentence through body language, intonation and volume ie; "doggy" and "gaga", these are examples of short words the child would begin to use, they relate to the child's everyday life. 
Stage 2: Two Phrase Words..
  • Age - 18 months.
  • The child begins to use two words at a time, Some call this stage 'The emergence of grammar', its now possible for the child to choose a word order, and for others to make simple grammatical analyses of the meanings of these sentences, 
  • This usual consists of: a noun (object) -> and a verb (action).
  • This allows the child to become more flexible with grammatical functions: "make bridge" "mommy sleep"
  • The language of the child at this age relies heavily on context and a sympathetic listener, usually a parent. 
  • The language at this age is not deficient or wanting, they are practicing language. 
  • At 18 months, children have grasped a great deal of knowledge about language. 
  • They have correct syntax, they use prepositions, possession words and pronouns. 
Stage 3: The Telegraphic Stage.. 
  • Age: 2-2 1/2 years.
  • The child begins to use sentences of up to four words in length.
  • Sentences with gaps are used, non lexical words "and, but, if" as well as endings such as "ing" are often lost. 
  • They begin to follow the structures of speech. Using question, statement and command sentences.
Stage 4: Post Telegraphic Stage..
  • Age:36 months.
  • More grammatically complex.
  • Also, after this age, the child begins to develop necessary reading and writing skills with appropriate help. 
  • After three years old, children's language advances in leaps and bounds. They begin to use: semantics, phonology, grammar and pragmatics. 

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