Friday 5 February 2016

A2 Language Change Lesson 05/02/2016

Words that have changed/multiple meanings:

Chosen word: Gay. 

1)  (of a person, especially a man) homosexual.  It has many synonyms: homosexual, lesbian, Sapphic, lesbigay, GLBT.
2) A more dated version:  Light-hearted and carefree “Nan had a gay disposition and a very pretty face”. Synonyms: Cheerful, cheery, merry, jolly, light-hearted, mirthful, jovial, glad, happy, bright, in good spirits, in high spirits, joyful, elated, exuberant, animated, lively, sprightly, vivacious, buoyant, bouncy, bubbly, perky, effervescent, playful, frolicsome etc.
3) A dated definition: Brightly coloured; showy, “a gay profusion of purple and pink sweet peas” . Synonyms: Bright, brightly coloured, vivid, brilliant, rich, vibrant.
4) An informal, offensive definition: Foolish, stupid or unimpressive “he thinks the obsession with celebrities are totally gay”

How has the word gone under change? 
1) The word 'gay' has gone through pejoration and has adopted three extra definitions (excluding it's original definition : Light-hearted and carefree). It has taken on other connotations to the word that can be taken positively and negatively. 
2)The word has also gone through broadening, where it means different things other than its first definition. At first, the word gay was in relation to a happy mood and now can be applied to one's sexuality, an offense and bright colours/showy things. 
3) Amelioration: whether or not the word has gone through amelioration needs to be evaluated by how the word is intended to be delivered to the recipient. The word gay was formerly a positive thing, but could now be thought of as a violent insult or a violation of chosen lifestyle/sexuality.